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    Sunday, November 04, 2007

    TRU great place for Mario Deal

    Adscan for ad for mario release week.

    Great Deal



    Monday, October 29, 2007

    DeathofU view on Crysis

    I know Lord Natas is a fan and was a beta tester but I have to say it is my disappointment of the year. I know this is a demo but the game does not do anything
    revolutionary for me . The suit thing is a good concept for strategy but come on the suit does not last long enough. I was excited about this game I did not know it would be mostly looking at plants,foilage and trees. Im sorry the physics is neat on this game but I have to say the 2 demo maps and the game play of UT3 blew this away for me.

    1280 x 1024
    2x anti aliasing
    high settings on everything.

    gameplay game ran great. be sure to have a very high end audio card to run 24 hz hd or you will hear distortion in the demo.

    Update as of my post the other day. This game is not a true direct x 10 game. Get the same graphics on windows xp changing the settings text file. EA give me a break .
    So DX10 is Vista-only? Rubbish. The PC gaming crowd have found a way to enable many of the "DX10-exclusive" graphical touches in EA's Crysis for users running XP, and it doesn't even require a hack. It takes a quick edit of a config file (as in, cutting and pasting ONE LINE), and voilà, you've got pretty much the same pretty sun and water effects as those suckers who forked out for Vista. You can cut and paste a single line of text, right?
    Thanks Kotaku for the info.
    Maybe my eyes are still good because again my opinion this is not a leap of next gen.
    Now I see.
    PS i wanted to see if it was my machine so I went to youtube and watched ultra 8800 game footage and guess what it looks the same on my machine so I guess it not the machine.

    Back to work had to share this when I saw this article on the web.

    later gamers


    Friday, October 12, 2007

    Review: UT 3 Beta Demo

    Hello fellow Nali,
    Well another year.. another frag!! What an incredible job Epic has done with the game. The graphics are sweet and I like how the weapons look now. Some of our readers might not have played Unreal before but have played Gears of War, so to sum it for those gamers.. " Take Gears and mix it with some crack and hit enter on your keyboard"! I have never seen Unreal this Unreal before for speed. I played a match with 20 guys in the server and it was just a madhouse. I am a hardcore gamer, but no way could I sustain that level of speed for more than 3 maps. You will be just exhausted because you have to react so fast and shoot perfect to get to the top of the leader board. It is a rush that I have never felt before, shit I thought Quake was fast.... and folks, trust me, I am use to practicing UT 2004 at 200% speed and this is crazier. Conversation with the guys on the server...
    "man this game is nuts" my reply " no it's fucking UNREAL!
    "lol" about 15 times!

    1. The fastest game I have ever played, if you are not a true "twitch fragger" you should just stick with "chuzzles" cause your ass is gonna get handed!
    2. Graphics are great
    3. Love the old song (brings back the memories)
    4. weapons are very balanced this time around ( bio-rifle is really great)
    5. Nice interface for finding servers

    1. DeathofU, did you ever think you would hear that it is "too fast" from me?
    2. why can't I change the scoreboard key to the "tab"key?
    3. some servers show open slots but click on them and they say they are full. (after refreshing the servers)
    4. DarkWalker should not be in Deathmatch

    and a special thanks goes out to AlmostHuman and DeathofU for hooking up with me today. For the record, in the first match that I played of my career in UT3 DeathofU drew "First Blood" but we won't talk about what happened after that;)

    until I flak your ass...

    Lord Natas

    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Review: Halo 3

    Hello fellow Spartans,
    I know now what it feels like to be run over by a Warthog. I was the first one to get my copy of Halo 3 Legendary and was home by 12:10am! The hype machine has been rolling pretty hard so I sat back awhile to really give an honest review of this game. But first, let's talk about the Legendary edition. I was just amazed how awesome the Spartan helmet looks, it is so cool that it found itself on my center channel speaker on top of my t.v. To be that close to my Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff busts says a lot in my opinion! I have not had enough time to watch all the "exclusive" stuff yet but man is that helmet awesome!!

    I did really enjoy the game overall, but I think that it was really compounded by the fact that I had such a blast playing it with my friends and having such a great time at the EB games party. Hooking up with the boys and having Medusa watching me take the first "official" deathmatch game was thrilling to me. I am very fortunate to have a wife who understands what gaming means to me and enjoys seeing me so hyped up and happy like a little boy!

    now with the review.....

    This is the first game that I can't review without spoiling the game so if you don't wanna know anything stop reading now!! Ok, the countdown..3,2,1...
    The title theme of the game has been "finish the fight" and I can say that I hope that Bungie decides to leave this series alone and starts working on something new. There really wasn't anything new in this game and I would sum it up as the first Halo with better graphics and the same level design flaws. Bungie, if you gonna make everything look the same and throw a thousand flood bastards at me couldn't you give me a homing device that pinpoints exactly where Cortana is located? People were bitching about Doom 3 being in the future and not having a flashlight attached to a gun, but how about this folks? I feel that Bungie is really riding on the fact that us gamers had fond memories of finishing the first one with the "Warthog run" but shouldn't we have something new?? It may seem to you that I didn't enjoy the game but you would be wrong.. I was really happy I was there to "finish the fight" just as long as I truly did! Believe.....


    1. Graphics were nice but Gears of War is still champion
    2. Sound was top notch and has always been enjoyable
    3. A.I. is still great, but after 3 games you know what they are gonna do right?
    4. Bungie gave me flashbacks of playing the first Halo which was really cool
    5. 16 player co-op on XBOX Live is just an amazing feat!
    6. Multiplayer is a blast.. the new maps are fun and great looking
    7. It's a great time playing with friends


    1. Game was really short, or was it that after 3 games I just know Bungie?
    2. Having everything look the same in the most difficult areas is just stupid
    3. Bungie gave me flashbacks of playing the first Halo which really sucked!
    4. Cheap ending.. or was it even an ending??

    until next time..

    Lord "Spartan 666" Natas

    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Let the gaming begin!

    Hello fellow gamers,
    I am really glad the season of gaming is upon us and look at the games coming out! I am in the Crysis Multi Beta right now and sadly I can't type anything yet:( One thing I will say is that IT WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS!! I really need an RPG to play and I am really looking forward to the "The Witcher" and Hellgate London, both of these games are gonna be perfect for Halloween! Hopefully, I will also get into the Hellgate London beta as well=)

    Did you notice that I didn't even bring up the fact that Halo 3 is just a few days away? Well, I will be finishing the fight starting Monday night!!

    until Monday night..
    Lord Natas

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Review: Bioshock

    Hello fellow gamers,
    Here is the moment you have been waiting for... did the game meet the heavy expectations that was put on it? and I would say " U bet U'R Ass it did"!!!

    Yes, the game has been out for a while now and some of you were probably wondering what the hell happened to me, but this game meant so much to me that I just didn't want to plow through it. I really wanted to spend as much time in Rapture as possible because I love the 40's- 50's era and nothing like living in an underwater "Atlantis" with splicers wanting to kill me for Adam! The other reason that it took me longer on this game was because you have to hack a lot in this game and it slowed down the pacing of the game. I was having Deja-Vu like when I was playing Doom 3 and I had to read every damn PDA and e-mail just to get the codes! This is the ONLY gripe I really had about this game. It is easily contender for the game of the year so PICK IT UP!!!

    1. Presentation is flawless, you are in the 1950's and in the world of Rapture
    2. Story is just awesome and I was really sad about the ending
    3. If you have an X-Fi soundcard your gonna love this baby!!!!
    4. If you have a top dollar gaming machine your gonna just love the graphics
    5. Water physics has never been done like this before and that's that!!!
    6. Soundtrack is just simply amazing and you can download it on the official Bioshock website
    7. The options you do in the game really have an impact on your character
    8. Taking down my first "Big Daddy" was just exhilarating
    9. When the plane crashed and the fmv stopped I didn't even know that I could move until it said "Dumb ass use your w,a,s,d, will ya:)"

    10. How the little sisters played out in this game was just an incredible experience.
    11. The game is a mature rating game which is a nice change for once.
    12. The splicers were all unique and their A.I. was just amazing!

    1. The hacking was a pain in the ass, how about a plasmid that made it so I never had to hack anything again??
    2. I guess some people have been having problems with sound but speaking for myself I never had a problem with anything on this game except that it ends:(

    until we meet again in Rapture...


    Lack of Posts, lot of news!

    Hello fellow gamers,
    I apologize for the lack of posts lately but I have been sick as a dog the last few weeks! This is gonna be a huge post so here we go!

    I broke down and bought a XBOX Elite and overall I am very happy with it. I am very impressed how quiet it is compared to the older models. I have to give Microsoft a "high five" for how easy it was to get up and running. Getting my xbox live account active was nothing and being able to download game demos is really sweet. I downloaded a couple of demos of games that haven't came out on PC yet so I could at least try them out. Medusa was watching me play the demos and the only thing I kept saying was " I can't wait to play it on PC!!" The games for the curious was Blacksite Area 51, Stranglehold, and Timeshift. (Don't get it confused with the timeshit demo that came out last year it has been improved big time). Then I downloaded demos of games that I have on PC to compare them and here are my impressions:
    Tiger Woods 2008 is excellent on the 360 and the Pc version is the same P.O.S. we have been playing for years! Splinter Cell: Double Agent was the other game and the 360 is nothing compared to the PC. Sam Fisher was just made to play on a computer!
    I am sure some of you are wondering why I would buy a 360 instead of getting the new 9800GTX that will be coming out soon and I have two responses to that question.
    1. Sept 25th I will be "finishing the fight" in Halo 3
    2. If George Lucas announces Star Wars: Force Unleashed will also be coming out on PC I will force choke him myself personally:)

    I have been playing a lot of F.E.A.R. and G.R.A.W. 2 lately and was invited to be in a clan. I accepted the invitation and these guys are some serious gamers. Imagine spending 4 hours on 1 map just working out strategies and working out our positions. We have been working on the map Asylum on F.E.A.R.!! This is the clan that I have been looking for since they are hardcore like myself. The clan is called =ҜÎŊĜ= and we have a open server in TDM. My tag is =ҜÎŊĜ=LORDNATAS and hope to see ya on the server! G.R.A.W. 2 multiplayer is just freaking awesome but it still needs some more balancing though. Cozeman and I have been kicking some major ass in that game and the {SiD} clan is alive and kicking in that game!
    I really don't think that UT 3 is going to make it out in November. I just have a bad feeling about it. I will soon be playing a beta of a game you might've heard of called Crysis. I am really excited to get into that multiplayer and mess around with that suit! I will give my impression on the multiplayer as soon as I am in so look for the post here! Well, I think thats enough right now but before I leave I just wanted you to know that Bioshock is completed and review is gonna be posted in about 10 minutes. My wife Medusa came up with a very cool XBOX live gamertag for me so look for SITHNATAS and that would be me, but be gentle cause I am a noob with a gamepad:)

    until next time..


    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Possible xbox live phishing

    I followed this link from warning users about possible phishing for Xbox Live account login information.
    Hi everyone,

    There have been a few reports of members receiving phishing emails both in the UK and the US.

    If you receive an email like this:

    Subject: Changes To Your Xbox Live Account

    From: Xbox Support []

    Email body:

    "Dear Xbox Live User,

    We have made many changes to everyone’s Xbox Live account, and we would like you to check out the new features! You can check out the new features by click on the link below to login and check them out!

    Please check out your new features to your Xbox Live account!"

    The actual link ( which URL includes the words 110mb and can be seen if you hover over it ) goes to a phishing replication of the Passport login page and will log all your logins and passwords. So do not click on the link or fill in your detail if you receive this email.

    These people that produce these emails and phishing duplicate sites are idiots.

    Do not fall for this as they will then have full access to your Passport account.

    Whagi, Search Engine Marketing
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